Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas timee

There is absolutely nothing on the mountain that I live on that reminds me of christmas.. Well there is that one christmas tree that i saw never because it was too freaking cold for me to walk outside. Other then that, the tone up above is dreary, sad, and gloomy from exams and school. I was too focused on acing my exams (which I unfortunately didn't) that I rarely went to the malls or basically to the real world to see the christmas lights and decorations. So when someone informed me that there were 2 weeks left til christmas, it definitely did not hit me.. and it still hasn't now tat there's only 1 week! I guess this year, I've stayed away from media/malls/suburban houses that christmas just crept up on me.

I tried to bake cookies today in an attempt to bring out the christmas spirit in me. I guess it worked a little but not really. maybe tomorow I'll play christmas songs. but so yaa... I kind of don't have money this year because I am saving up to buy some really hot boots.. so I decided to make my gifts this year.. not only is it sentimental but it cannot be duplicated! Hopefully it works out.. it's gonna be my first time making truffles .. Merry merry christmasss :)